The newer Pentair ICxx Salt Cells do not provide manual calibration. Additionally, an Adapter-specific tab allows for Salt PPM Calibration. The Plugin Settings page allows you to specify how often to poll the Adapter (10 to 300 seconds with a default of 30 seconds), enable/disable polling and specify the level of detail displayed in the HomeSeer Log File. The Plugin will support multiple Adapters on a single network. The Adapter will be periodically polled to maintain updated information. Once discovered, HomeSeer will be populated with the equipment's configured Features. The Root device is named with the standard “Pentair: XX-XX-XX” format, where the XX’s represent the last 6 digits of the adapter’s network MAC address. The Plugin automatically discovers the Pentair Protocol Adapter hardware. The ScreenLogic Plugin integrates HS4 with the Pentair ScreenLogic Protocol Adapter over your local area network. I've been using HomeSeer and the Pentair EasyTouch system for about 5 years and waiting for a Plugin to come about.