Warrior cats badger games on scratch

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Midnight leads them to the Twolegplace and suggest they travel through the mountains as it would be quicker than their original path. Midnight also says that a dying warrior will show them the way to their new home. She delivers them a message from StarClan: Twolegs will destroy the forest and the Clans must flee and find a home elsewhere. After nearly drowning, the Clan cats discover Midnight to be a talking badger. If not, trouble destroy you.' ―Midnight's message to the Clan cats Midnight (book), page 296 StarClan sends Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt, Feathertail, and Crowpaw on a journey to the sun-drown-place and explains that Midnight will speak to them. In days coming now, all Clans must be one. Six with friends who would not stay behind.

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